Lazy Boys
Has the beer blog lost steam already? Have Paco and Erinn been lying in a ditch since their last post? What happen with the the twenty beer bonanza? All question will be answered (maybe), but first, just a word to the wise (or the not so wise - considering the audience - yeah, man that means you, who else, you are the only one reading this damned blog), when you are reviewing beers, write everything down as you go. After the fourth or fifth beer, it gets really difficult to review anything. So, here's a rough translation of a beer soaked page of scribbled reviews:
Lazy Boy Beer is a beer brewed is Everett, Washington. We tried their IPA. Paco found it "refreshing and smooth. Like a warm summer day spent on the couch." This turned out to be one of Paco's favorites during a long night of drinking many, many rich beers. Erinn thought this beer was a bit "cold at the start, but warmed over time. Not the best beer, but..."
Next we have Balktika 6 Porter. Neither of us can remember where this beer came from, and we are too lazy to google it. This was the first in a long line of really, really sweet beers. Erinn had this to say:
"Tastes good with a hand full of nuts."
Paco found this beer "too god damned sweet. Undrinkable after a meal. May be good after running a marathon, but can't run a marathon to find out."
After barely getting to the bottom of this bottle of beer, Erinn elaborated on his review, saying Balktika was "one step away from being a beer in a box."
Next we have an East African beer called Tusker. Erinn found Tusker "clear and smooth. A light champagne beer without any skunkiness." Paco found Tusker "too sweet, too light, and too malty." After dumping a bunch of salt in it (a trick he learned somewhere in Mexico), and squeezing some lime in it, Paco's doctored Tusker became "almost good."
Ok, that's as much as we can decipher. Paco and Erinn are now writing and reviewing beers from opposite ends of the coast. Hopefully, this won't slow down the blog. I know our one reader is hanging on the edge of his seat...

Well, you've made it through the first beer post. Now, here's another. Our first post was so popular (two viewings!!!), that we've got more people involved in the review process. Just a reminder, we aren't here to review the whores of the beer world (i.e. the ones everyone have tasted), we are reviewing the oddball beers. We're not snobby about it or anything, we're just regular joes sucking down a few obscure brews and writing reviews. Hey, that rhymes. Here goes the next review, with help from our better halves:
Name of beer: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. A "celebrated old brewery Tadcaster."
After one sip, Erinn's better half began talking about "thinking about the future," leading Erinn to conclude that this is the philosopher of beers. Erinn says, this is a "creamy stout with a well rounded body (err... "well endowed") beer." Erinn has no intention of spilling any of this beer. Paco likes that his beer comes in a 1pt 2.7 oz bottle, and taste like "a drinkable dessert shared with a women of culture." This beer speaks with a strong British accent. This is definitely a "stout," and isn't for the weak of heart. Delicious.
Erinn's rating: 8.6, Paco: 8.7

What happens when you drink too much beer one evening? You get online and start your own beer blog.
The scene: A good friend (Erinn) flies cross country to visit Paco.
The scenario: Friend on opposite coast (Paco) promises a 20 beer selection upon arrival.
Conclusion: The Beer Blog!!
We will be reviewing different beers rating them on a scale of 1-10. Original? No, but effective, and really, really fun. Hold on, let's drink a little more. Oopss... Little bit of beer spilt on the ole' jeans. Here goes the very first beer review:
Name of Beer: Hoegaarden. It's a "Belgian White Beer," with a 4.9% alcohol content.
Erinn calls this a "light beginners beer" that tastes like it could be made in your own backyard. Paco thinks this beer is a bit "too wheaty, a little grassy, leaving the palette dry and thirsty.
Ratings: Erinn: 4
Paco: 3.5, but then found out it had a decent alcohol content and raised his rating to 4.