Well, you've made it through the first beer post. Now, here's another. Our first post was so popular (two viewings!!!), that we've got more people involved in the review process. Just a reminder, we aren't here to review the whores of the beer world (i.e. the ones everyone have tasted), we are reviewing the oddball beers. We're not snobby about it or anything, we're just regular joes sucking down a few obscure brews and writing reviews. Hey, that rhymes. Here goes the next review, with help from our better halves:
Name of beer: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. A "celebrated old brewery Tadcaster."
After one sip, Erinn's better half began talking about "thinking about the future," leading Erinn to conclude that this is the philosopher of beers. Erinn says, this is a "creamy stout with a well rounded body (err... "well endowed") beer." Erinn has no intention of spilling any of this beer. Paco likes that his beer comes in a 1pt 2.7 oz bottle, and taste like "a drinkable dessert shared with a women of culture." This beer speaks with a strong British accent. This is definitely a "stout," and isn't for the weak of heart. Delicious.
Erinn's rating: 8.6, Paco: 8.7
Well I am a sucker for well endowed... wait, wasn't this suppose to be about beer? I like how this beer gives your ESP instead of ESPN. Can't wait to try, I would ask you to save me one but what's the point?
Wow you guys are so insightful, and Paco sounds really cute! I think you guys could change the world with your deep, penetrating insight. Hehe! Take care! Solid Gold Kaitlin
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